by Janet Jones | May 27, 2019 | Around Here, Yellowstone 101
Happy Memorial Day 2019 Yesterday Mom and I went to put flowers on my father’s and grandfather’s graves for Memorial Day. Both served briefly. Dad in the Army and Grandfather in the last days of WWI. After sprucing up the gravestones and adding in the begonias (that...
by Janet Jones | May 17, 2019 | Around Here
Around Here Mid-May 2019 It’s time for another round of Around Here – little bits and pieces of inspiration and thoughts I have. This post contains some affiliate links. That means if you follow them and make a purchase, I will receive a small portion of that purchase...
by Janet Jones | Apr 17, 2018 | Around Here, Phenology
Loving the Spring Snow! It’s snowing again this morning and I love it. I know, most everyone is really tired of the snow, but honestly, I think these last snows of winter are as magical as the first ones. We have the “all’s well with the world” huge flakes coming down...
by Janet Jones | Mar 16, 2018 | Around Here, Phenology
Bring more nature into your everyday life The other morning my Mom shared with me a moment she took from her day to watch the Northern flickers at the Kestrel box that sits outside our house right outside some tinted windows upstairs that makes viewing fairly easy...
by Janet Jones | Aug 2, 2017 | Around Here
Favorite Photos: A slice of July 2017 July is always busy, but the busier we all get, the more we need a way to calm and center ourselves regularly. For me, this simply takes a bit of time in nature – just time to stop and be. Even just working on photos taken just...
by Janet Jones | Jun 30, 2017 | Around Here
June 2017 Favorite Photos While sifting through the photos taken in June, I realized I’m not making enough photos. I’m not pausing to find the photo – but rather just falling into more of a photographic rut. That rut takes the form of documentation photos of the...