Taking a Flight over Yellowstone – May 2017

I just couldn’t stand it any longer – wondering what has happened over at West Thumb with the new geyser that broke out last summer. I heard that it was still active as of closing day of the winter season from a ranger over at West Thumb/Grant. Since I also need photos for an upcoming book, I wondered if from the air might work.

A friend of mine who’s shared his passion for flying planted a seed of an idea that became a bucket list item for me. Flying over Yellowstone. These two things combined recently. Thanks to good relationship with Choice Aviation here in Cody and a friend to join me on this adventure, we took off last Thursday morning.

The weather was perfect. “Severe clear” (as my Dad would say) and no wind to speak of. As we climbed, I more fully realized how very much I love this country and am so deeply grateful my grandparents moved here so many decades ago. This is the backdrop of many childhood memories and now becomes the backdrop for this life I lead now. Love this. The whole flight, my heart felt like it would burst with joy. This is the vantage point you need to really see this area.

I’ll get to what I learned about West Thumb in an upcoming post, but for this post, I just want to share with you some of the photos taken. I’ve had a ball processing these – and learned a bit more about what I’ll do on the next flight. It’s reignited my joy for photography – which tells me I need to do more photo drives to simply find the beauty out there. I also loved getting a look at some of the pools from above that are hard to see from the boardwalks.

Some of these will make the cut for fine art prints and should be available for purchase soon. When they’re added, I’ll share that over on my Facebook Page.

For now, enjoy the slideshow!

SnowMoon Photography

Be Outside • Take Notes