Geyser Watch
An Online Field Journal at YellowstoneNaturalist.com
Watching water go the other way…
as well as many more not-quite-so-exciting thermal features of Yellowstone.
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Jan 2024
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Geyser Watch Blog Posts
Abyss Pool Hotter than in Over 30 Years
Over at West Thumb, Abyss Pool started heating up this summer. This pool has been quiet since its last active phase over 30 years ago when it erupted often from September 1991 through May 1992. At first, the eruptions came every few days or weeks but sped up to happen...
Observations about the Area Above Plume Geyser March 2023
Last month I shared this photo on social media: Social media doesn't allow in-depth thoughts. I want to share those here. But first, I want to help you get your bearings if you still need to become familiar with the thermal features in the area. HISTORY OF THE...
Field Journal Entry: West Thumb 18 May 2020
As I work through my photos and notes to add to my field journal, I'm adding in the information here as well. When the Wyoming gates opened on May 18, 2020, my first stop for documentation photos of the thermal features was at West Thumb. In this post, I share the...
Photography Play at an unusual Grand eruption
This last weekend I headed into the park for a couple of days. I often don't spend the night, but this time, I just wanted time to catch up on the thermal features. While that was wonderful, I now have a heap of notes to type up and photos to process (which is also...
04 Aug 2020 Trip Report – Upper Geyser Basin
This is the second half of my trip report/field journal entry for 04 Aug 2020. You can read the first half where I cover observations at West Thumb Geyser Basin here. This post brought to you by: When at my car at West Thumb Geyser Basin, I debated...
04 Aug 2020 Trip Report – West Thumb Geyser Basin
As life in summer gets busy, I find myself up to my eyes in projects and yet needing to get into Yellowstone to document what I see in the geyser basins. On this day, curiosity about what's happening at West Thumb is the driving force of this "need." Still, I also may...
After Steamboat – a field journal entry
I knew it would happen at some point, and here it is. I'm stuck in a logjam of half-finished posts, notes that need typing up, and photos to process. Summer is here. In this post, you'll find the rest of my field journal entry for 19 July 2020. You can read the first...
Timing for Steamboat Geyser 19 July 2020
Synchronicity. Some moments leave you in awe of the tapestry of life and how timing can come together seamlessly. Catching yesterday's Steamboat Geyser eruption was one of those moments. Here's the entry for my field journal. This post brought to you by [the_ad...
Learning about Geysers
I've recently worked on the geyser notes for Steamboat Geyser this year (it will be one of the newsletter giveaways on Saturday - so sign up at the bottom of the page). Whenever I pull together information people have generously shared, I find myself so full of...
A Day at Steamboat Geyser
Last Friday, I headed into Yellowstone intending to spend the day at Steamboat Geyser in hopes of catching the 100th eruption since this activity started in 2018. I've typed up my observations here in preparation to add these to my field journal. This post brought to...
Geyser Watch Report Early June 2020
Now that all five entrances to Yellowstone are open, and I've had the opportunity to head in a few times to check on the various geyser basins, here are some of the highlights from my recent trips in to visit the geyser basins. This post is brought to you by my Etsy...
Taking Flight 16 May 2020
I took another survey flight over the park on Saturday. I do love this genre of photography, but they are a bit difficult to get. With each trip, though, I'm learning a bit more. In this post, I'll share some "overviews" of what I saw in the geyser basins. NOTE: All...
Geyser Hill Observation Report for 26 Sept 2019
The end of the summer season in Yellowstone was cut a bit short last year due to poor weather conditions. Because of this, I wasn’t able to get through all of the Upper Geyser Basin. However, I did do a thorough observational walk around Geyser Hill. In this post, I...
Survey Flight 2 Aug 2019
Recently I took another flight over Yellowstone to gather photos - not only for the photography side of my business, but also to write more Get to Know the Geysers posts. It's also an efficient way to keep tabs on the thermal features. This time I invited a couple of...
Steamboat throws a rock that splits the sign
Exciting things are happening at Steamboat Geyser. I headed in on the 12th and was lucky enough to catch that eruption and not be hit by the stray rock Steamboat tossed out. Then on the 15th, Steamboat erupted again for what looks like the shortest interval ever. I’ve...