SnowMoon Photography

Photos by Janet Jones


  • Geysers & Hot Springs 80% 80%
  • Landscapes 70% 70%
  • Digital Photo Watercolors 20% 20%
  • Wildlife 10% 10%
  • Aerial Photography 10% 10%
Equipment: Nikon
Years Practicing Photography: 17
Terrabytes of Images: 7
Years Visiting Yellowstone: 55

While I’ve loved photography all my life, there was a time when I let it go. But a couple of decades ago, I rekindled my passion for documenting life through images again and it’s never left. I see life through a viewfinder, whether I have a camera with me or not. Composing photos, thinking about camera settings and releasing the shutter actually helps me remember a scene better. This is because I’m always on the lookout for photos – paying closer attention to the world around me. When I find a subject, I have to study it even if only for a moment before deciding how to best capture what I see.

To this end, I’ve discovered that some images captured with the camera only reach closer to my vision when transformed into Digital Photo Watercolors. I am always expanding my portfolio, and share new images here in blog posts. You can find my images available through the online links here or in person at Open Range Images in Cody, Wyoming or Yellowstone Forever stores in Yellowstone and online.

Photography Blog Posts


The Heart of Yellowstone

The Heart of Yellowstone

Grand Prismatic Spring is arguably the most impressive thermal feature in Yellowstone. It's the third largest hot spring in the world (the other two are in New Zealand, if you're wondering). Its rainbow of colors are created by the microbes that grow in hot water. The...

Repeat Photography Fall Project

Repeat Photography Fall Project

I lived in Colorado most of my life, and I find myself missing time wandering through the mountains to drink in the color of the aspen in fall. Most every year there, the peak color fell on this week - from about the 20th to the 30th. In the posts this week, I'm...

In celebration of fall color

In celebration of fall color

I lived in Colorado most of my life, and I find myself missing time wandering through the mountains to drink in the color of the aspen in fall. Most every year there, the peak color fell on this week - from about the 20th to the 30th. In the posts this week, I want to...

Photography Play at an unusual Grand eruption

Photography Play at an unusual Grand eruption

This last weekend I headed into the park for a couple of days. I often don't spend the night, but this time, I just wanted time to catch up on the thermal features. While that was wonderful, I now have a heap of notes to type up and photos to process (which is also...

A few favorite photos

A few favorite photos

Happy Friday, everyone! Today I want to take a bit of time to share some of the stories behind the photos in my gallery. This post is sponsored by SnowMoon Photography. I've gone through to adjust the pricing - many are lower, but some are higher due to an increase in...

Finding Moose in Yellowstone (or anywhere they live)

Finding Moose in Yellowstone (or anywhere they live)

One of my intentions for this year is to add more wildlife photography to my portfolio. So, now that the first part of the website overhaul is done, it’s time to get out more with my camera. Many thanks to those of you who have already purchased prints from me -...