Janet Jones is an amateur naturalist living in Cody, Wyoming.
Explore Yellowstone Naturalist
From the changes in the seasons to the changes in the thermal features, plus travel tips to make your trip to Yellowstone easier!
Yellowstone Travel
Yellowstone 101
Get to know the Geysers
Documenting Wonder
Field Journaling
The Greater Yellowstone Area
With so much to explore, Yellowstone is so vast that one lifetime is not enough to “see it all.”
Yellowstone Communities (5 gateway and 1 in yellowstone)
Seasons (2 commercial seasons)
Thermal Features (a conservative estmiate)
Recent Articles
I write about front country geysers and hot springs, share my photography and observe the changing seasons. I also share some travel tips for Yellowstone from a local’s viewpoint.
In celebration of fall color
I lived in Colorado most of my life, and I find myself missing time wandering through the mountains to drink in the color of the aspen in fall. Most every year there, the peak color fell on this week - from about the 20th to the 30th. In the posts this week, I want to...
Around Here Mid Sept 2020
This week I house sat at a friend's house. One morning while sitting on the patio sipping my tea, I could hear Sandhill Cranes in the distance - they are gathering in preparation to migrate. On Saturday, I watched a mule deer buck rubbing his antlers on a tree branch...
Photography Play at an unusual Grand eruption
This last weekend I headed into the park for a couple of days. I often don't spend the night, but this time, I just wanted time to catch up on the thermal features. While that was wonderful, I now have a heap of notes to type up and photos to process (which is also...
SnowMoon Photography

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Cody is a vibrant small community on the east side of Yellowstone that makes a great home base for your Yellowstone vacation!
Find out more at CodyCalendar.com.